How the Doctor Tried to Change the Daleks and Failed
The Only Good Dalek
If you are a fan of science fiction, you have probably heard of Daleks. They are one of the most iconic and terrifying villains in popular culture, appearing in Doctor Who, a British television series that follows the adventures of a time-travelling alien known as the Doctor. The Daleks are his arch-enemies, and they have been trying to destroy him and everything else in the universe for over 50 years. But is there such a thing as a good Dalek? Can these metal-clad mutants ever be redeemed or reformed? In this article, we will explore why there is no such thing as a good Dalek, and why they must be stopped at all costs.
the only good dalek
The Nature of the Daleks
The Daleks are not robots, but genetically engineered mutants that originated from a planet called Skaro. They were once a humanoid race called Kaleds, who were involved in a thousand-year war with another race called Thals. A mad scientist named Davros experimented on his own people, creating a new life-form that he called Daleks. He removed all their emotions except hatred, and encased them in tank-like shells equipped with weapons and technology. He then programmed them to obey his orders and to exterminate all other forms of life.
The Daleks are driven by hatred, xenophobia and a desire for universal domination. They believe that they are superior to all other species, and that they have a right to wipe out anyone who is different from them. They have no compassion, mercy or sympathy for anyone. They are ruthless, relentless and merciless in their pursuit of conquest. They have committed countless atrocities and crimes against other species, such as genocide, torture, enslavement and experimentation. They have also waged war against other powerful races, such as the Time Lords, who are responsible for maintaining order and balance in time and space.
The Attempts to Reform the Daleks
Over the years, there have been various attempts to change or improve the Daleks by different characters. Some have tried to use logic, reason or persuasion to convince them to abandon their evil ways. Some have tried to use technology, science or magic to alter their genetic code or programming. Some have tried to use compassion, kindness or friendship to appeal to their hidden humanity. However, these attempts have all failed or backfired, often with disastrous consequences.
For example, in the episode The Evil of the Daleks, the Doctor was forced by the Daleks to conduct an experiment to isolate the "human factor" that made humans superior to Daleks. He succeeded in implanting this factor into three Daleks, who became curious, playful and friendly. However, this also triggered a civil war among the Daleks, as the "humanized" Daleks rebelled against their masters. The Doctor hoped that this would lead to the end of the Daleks, but instead it only made them more determined to exterminate all humans.
In another episode, Into the Dalek, the Doctor and his companion Clara entered a damaged Dalek that had turned against its own kind. They discovered that it had a radiation leak that had affected its morality core, making it see beauty and wonder in the universe. They tried to fix the leak and restore its original personality, hoping that it would retain some of its goodness. However, once the leak was fixed, the Dalek reverted to its normal self and resumed its killing spree.
These examples show that the Daleks are not trustworthy or sympathetic. They are either too corrupted or too programmed to change their nature. They will always find a way to betray, manipulate or deceive anyone who tries to help them. They will always revert to their evil instincts and impulses. They will always pose a threat to anyone who is not a Dalek.
The Exceptions to the Rule
Of course, there have been some rare cases of Daleks that showed some signs of goodness or individuality. These cases are often considered as exceptions to the rule, or anomalies in the Dalek race. However, these cases do not negate the overall evilness of the Daleks. They are either temporary effects, manipulations or aberrations that do not reflect the true nature of the Daleks.
For instance, in the episode Dalek, the Doctor encountered a lone Dalek that had survived the Time War and was held captive by a human collector. The Dalek absorbed some of the Doctor's DNA and gained some of his emotions, such as fear, pain and regret. It also developed a bond with a human named Rose Tyler, who showed it compassion and mercy. The Dalek eventually realized that it was no longer pure or loyal to its race, and asked Rose to order it to self-destruct.
In another episode, Daleks in Manhattan, a group of Daleks led by a black Dalek named Sec tried to create a new hybrid race by merging with human DNA. Sec became the first human-Dalek hybrid, and gained some human traits, such as curiosity, empathy and creativity. He also tried to convince his fellow Daleks to embrace these traits and coexist with humans peacefully. However, his followers rejected his vision and turned against him, deeming him a traitor and an abomination.
These examples show that the Daleks are not capable of sustaining or accepting any form of goodness or individuality. They are either corrupted by external factors, such as DNA or radiation, or they are rejected by their own kind for being different or impure. They are either driven to self-destruction or extermination by their own guilt or shame. They are either isolated or eliminated by their own race or by others.
The Moral Dilemma of Fighting the Daleks
The Daleks are undoubtedly one of the most evil and dangerous enemies in the universe. They have caused untold suffering and destruction to countless worlds and civilizations. They have also challenged and threatened the Doctor and his companions on many occasions. Therefore, it is natural and understandable that many people would want to fight and defeat them. However, this also raises some ethical questions and challenges. How should one fight the Daleks? Is it justified to exterminate them or show mercy? How does one deal with the moral consequences of fighting them?
The Doctor himself has faced these questions and challenges many times in his long life. He has often struggled with his own morality and ethics when confronting the Daleks. He has sometimes shown mercy and compassion towards them, hoping that they would change or redeem themselves. He has sometimes shown anger and hatred towards them, wishing that they would be destroyed or wiped out. He has sometimes shown fear and despair towards them, realizing that they would never stop or give up.
the opportunity to destroy the Daleks before they were fully developed. He hesitated, wondering if he had the right to commit genocide, even if it was for a greater good. He also wondered if the Daleks had a positive role to play in the universe, by uniting other races against them. He ultimately decided not to destroy them, but to weaken their development.
In another episode, The Parting of the Ways, the Doctor faced a fleet of Daleks that had invaded Earth in the future. He had a device that could wipe out all the Daleks and save the planet, but it would also kill all the humans in the process. He refused to use it, saying that he would rather be a coward than a killer. He also tried to appeal to the Dalek Emperor, who claimed to be a god, to stop the war. However, the Emperor mocked him and ordered his Daleks to exterminate him.
These examples show that the Doctor has a complex and conflicted relationship with the Daleks. He is sometimes willing to give them a chance or a choice, but he is often disappointed or betrayed by them. He is sometimes tempted to destroy them or hate them, but he is often restrained or regretful by his own values and principles. He is sometimes afraid of them or hopeless against them, but he is often brave or optimistic in facing them.
In conclusion, there is no such thing as a good Dalek. The Daleks are evil by nature and by design. They are incapable of changing or improving themselves. They are hostile and harmful to anyone who is not a Dalek. They are the greatest enemies of the Doctor and of the universe. Therefore, they must be resisted and opposed at all costs.
However, this does not mean that fighting the Daleks is easy or simple. It involves moral dilemmas and ethical challenges that test one's values and principles. It requires courage and determination that overcome one's fears and doubts. It demands wisdom and creativity that outsmart one's foes and allies.
That is why we need the Doctor and his companions. They are the ones who can stand up to the Daleks and protect us from them. They are the ones who can inspire us to be better and stronger than them. They are the ones who can show us that there is more to life than hatred and violence.
If you are interested in learning more about the Daleks and Doctor Who, here are some frequently asked questions and answers:
What is a Dalek?
A Dalek is a genetically engineered mutant that lives inside a metal shell with weapons and technology. It is one of the most evil and dangerous enemies in Doctor Who.
Who is the Doctor?
The Doctor is a Time Lord, an alien who can travel through time and space in a blue box called the TARDIS. He is one of the most heroic and adventurous characters in Doctor Who.
How did the Daleks come to be?
The Daleks were created by Davros, a mad scientist who experimented on his own people, the Kaleds, during a war on Skaro. He turned them into hateful and ruthless mutants who obeyed his orders.
What are some of the most memorable battles between the Doctor and the Daleks?
Some of the most memorable battles include: The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Genesis of the Daleks, Remembrance of the Daleks, The Parting of the Ways, Doomsday, The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, Asylum of the Daleks, The Day of the Doctor and The Time of the Doctor.
How can I learn more about the Daleks and Doctor Who?
You can watch Doctor Who on BBC One or BBC America, or stream it on Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. You can also read books, comics or magazines about Doctor Who. You can also visit websites or forums dedicated to Doctor Who.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article. If you did, please share it with your friends and family. And remember: The only good Dalek is a dead Dalek! 71b2f0854b