Goldeneye 007 Game Download
007 - Golden Eye ROM download is available to play for Nintendo 64. This game is the US English version at exclusively. Download 007 - Golden Eye ROM and use it with an emulator. Play online N64 game on desktop PC, mobile, and tablets in maximum quality. If you enjoy this free ROM on Emulator Games then you will also like similar titles Golden Sun and Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (V1.2).
Goldeneye 007 Game Download
GoldenEye 007: Reloaded is an HD remake of the 2010 GoldenEye 007 for the Nintendo Wii, in turn, a reimagining of the classic video game GoldenEye 007. It was released for PS3 and Xbox 360 on November 1 2011. A PC release was rumored by several credible groups with a stated date of July 1, 2012, but no official information was said about it. Since then, Activision lost the license for 007 games, and so a PC port will never be made officially.
A new addition to the game is Mi6 Ops. These are small mini-missions where the player must complete the objective of the missions as fast as possible using modifiers, which can change the health of the player and enemies, certain selected weapons to start with, and if the player can kill enemies with shots below the neck. This was renamed to Marksman in Reloaded, whereas in the Wii version, it is named Hotshot.
GoldenEye 007: Reloaded was released on November 1, 2011. People who pre-ordered using Gamestop were given early access to the Classic Conflict Multi-Player mode before other buyers of the game. Players who pre-ordered using Gamestop were also given access to the Moonraker Laser and Hugo Drax, the creator of the Moonraker Laser in multiplayer. These were later given out as codes on the respective online store (PlayStation Store for the PS3 version, Xbox Live Store for the Xbox 360) in the Mi6 Edition of the game. The Moonraker Laser can only be used by Hugo Drax in the Classic Conflict multiplayer mode
There are thirteen different game modes for online multiplayer, from the standard Deathmatch (conflict) modes to the new Escalation Mode where every time you get a kill, you get a new gun to use. The player who goes through the whole cycle of guns first wins.
Online multiplayer can be used by PlayStation Network and Xbox Live, and though up to 16 players can connect to a game remotely, only one local player is allowed at a time. Multiplayer includes characters from the single player campaign, such as James Bond and Alec Trevelyan, as well as classic Bond-series characters including Jaws, Oddjob, and Julius No. Additionally, online multiplayer offers XP progression, unlockables and multipliers.
The game features local offline 4-player split screen matches, just like the Nintendo 64 version. However, even though online and offline multiplayer use the same maps, the offline versions feature limited versions of the maps, where online has the full map. Examples of this are Docks and Nightclub. In Nightclub, a double-door leading to a back area is open online, closed in offline matches. This is the same in Docks, where two doors leading to a few extra rooms is open in online matches, closed in offline matches. They are both closed because they lead to the same few rooms. Various game modifiers are available in offline split screen, such as the classic Paintball mode.
Training is a basic control and stealth tutorial which is only accessible through the "new game" option; skipping to Dam will skip over it. It consists of a short sequence on a firing range followed by an easy stealth section.
GoldenEye 007 is a first-person shooting game (similar to Turok or Doom) that follows the movie of the same name's basic plot and takes place in similar locations throughout the world. Each of the game's 18 stages begins with a detailed mission briefing that includes a list of objectives that must be carried out in order to complete the stage. The amount of objectives per stage will depend on which of the three difficulty levels you choose before play (obviously, the harder the difficulty, the more objectives). The cool thing about GoldenEye though, is that even if you choose an easier level and only have to do say, one or two things on a particular stage, you can still complete the other, more difficult tasks if you wish welcome feature indeed.
And just like any super agent, Bond is armed to the teeth. Not only does he have the usual assortment of nifty gadgets from Q (pressing Start will pull up Bond's wristwatch, complete with a subscreen full of interesting items that can be used on the various stages), he can collect from over 15 different weapons including Sniper Rifles, Machine Guns, Throwing Knives, Hand Grenades and more. And since the game works with the Rumble Pak, you'll feel every shot and explosion in the game as if you were right there in the middle of the action (sorry if that sounds like a press release, but it's true).
Remember how when the N64 first appeared, people were going on and on about how amazing it was and how incredible all the games were going to be and how it marked a watershed in videogaming? And then how hardly any games appeared and many of those that did were just rehashes of old Super NES games? And how people started to get little beads of perspiration on their foreheads as they worried that maybe the N64 wasn't quite the great leap forward that had been promised and that they should have got a PlayStation instead?
Goldeneye is probably the most anticipated N64 game since Super Mario 64, and after being in development for over two years (see the feature on page 26), a lot was expected of it. Thankfully, it delivers on every count. I'm not normally one for hyperbole (in fact, if you read the magazine regularly, you'll probably have realised I'm a bit of a cynical old bastard), but Goldeneye is the best game on the N64. Yes, even better than Mario 64. At some point in the distant future, maybe I'll get a little tired of repeating the missions... but then there's still the deathmatch game to have fun with!
Where to start? The plot's always a good place, and Goldeneye sticks as closely to the storyline of the film upon which it's based as it's possible for a game to get. A few liberties have been taken, such as having Bond actually visiting the Severnaya complex (which he never did in the film), but the overall story progresses logically from location to location.
The game is structured so that there are three difficulty levels for each stage - Agent, Secret Agent and 00 Agent. As an Agent, the game is fairly straightforward, with a few simple objectives that have to be met on each level. All you have to do on the first stage, for instance, is reach the dam and do a bungee jump from it. On Secret Agent level, you also have to destroy the alarms dotted about the complex, and when you play as a 00 Agent you have to install a modem transmitter and break into the base computers to upload their information to MI6 as well. The guards' aim improves on Secret Agent and 00 Agent levels, by the way!
There are 18 levels in Goldeneye, an impressive number considering the almost obscene amount of detail crammed into them, as well as two secret bonus levels accessible once you've beaten the game on the higher difficulty settings. Despite the memory limitations of a cartridge, they look absolutely superb. Unlike Turok, which used fogging extensively to prevent pop-up of the scenery, Goldeneye's 3-D engine lets you see a long way into the distance, with no slowdown or pop-up. The dam on the first level takes nearly a minute to run across at full pelt, yet you can see the far side from the moment you step onto it - as well as the mountains that stretch away behind it! The only time fogging becomes obvious is on the jungle level, and the muggy green mist that envelops the Cuban rainforest seems to be as much an aesthetic decision as a practical one.
The death animations are particularly worthy of comment - as well as just keeling over in traditional-if-dull style, they backflip, spin, slump to their knees before falling flat on their faces and even clutch agonisingly at their perforated throats, flailing their hands weakly before the life finally drains out of them. Maybe I'm just a sick psycho at heart, but there's something intensely satisfying about pumping 30 AK-47 rounds into a group of soldiers and watching their bodies twitch as each bullet thuds forcefully into their chests! This being a Nintendo game, there's no gouting blood or splattered brains, but ominous crimson stains do ooze over peoples' clothing from the point of impact.
This being a James Bond game, there are also all sorts of gadgets from Q Branch just waiting to be put to good get-the-bloke-in-the-tuxedo-out-of-a-tight-spot situations. Central to the game is Bond's Rolex watch - as well as having the usual Bondian functions like magnets and lasers, it also acts as the interface through which 007 uses his other kit. An example; in the first bunker level, Bond is equipped with a mini-camera and a key-copying gizmo which have to be used to complete the level. Press Start and Bond holds up his arm to show the watch, which then zooms in so fast you worry that he's going to knock himself out; flick to the equipment screen and choose the camera or analyser, then unpause and use the trigger to operate the chosen gadget. In a well thought-out touch, using the weapon select button then automatically brings up your last gun without having to go back to the watch. This kind of clever design, making the barrier between the player and the action on screen as thin as possible, is obvious all the way through Goldeneye. It's rare (no pun intended!) that you'll find anything getting in the way of actually playing the game.
Even the control system can be tailored to your preferences. The default setting is perfectly usable, but if you want you can reconfigure the controller to mimic the system used in Turok, or even use two controllers, one to move and the other to aim! The only quibble I have is that the aiming crosshairs default to an aircraft-style reversed control (pushing the analogue stick up moves the sights down, and vice versa) but again, this can be rectified in a couple of seconds. Not all games are as flexible with their controls!